Precision Geothermal Home
Demo Video (YouTube)

GeoCube News

GeoCube customers should update to the latest TC Module in GLD.  Features include  improved column recognition; automatic sensor pair selection. 

Works with Windows 10 / Windows 11.

This is a free upgrade for all GeoCube owners!

There is a new "Booster Pump" option for high-head or high flow testing for extended depth models of the GC3 GeoCube.  This is an external booster that can be used for special situations which require higher flows through the test loop..

New GC3 Models Available!
All models of the GeoCube are now feature stainless steel heat exchangers and our test capacity now reaches 1,100 feet.  The GC3 series GeoCube features user servicable heating elements. 

GeoCube Control Panel Now Includes Direct View Meter.
By popular request, a combination Volts/Amps/kWh/kW/Elapsed Time meter is included for operator convenience. The meter is intended for easy observation of the generator and GeoCube operation once a test is started. More Details here.

GeoCubes are CE Marked for EEA Applications and Usage.
International Voltage and Frequency options are now available!  Use our convenient quote form and specify your regional voltage and frequency needs to get a GeoCube built for your available power source.

The new GeoCube Extended Range model increases your reach to 850 feet / 260 meters.

New!  Redundant temp sensors are now manifold mounted in the fluid flow path and are better protected.  Earlier models utilized external pipe mounted sensors.
Stainless filter now included in all GeoCubes!  Protects pump & flow meter from unknown sediment in the loop.
New paper now available , "What to Look for in Thermal Response / Thermal Conductivity Test Services"



Product Line

The GeoCube provides firms with an in-house Thermal Conductivity (TC) / Thermal Response (TRT) / Borehole Thermal Resistance (BTR) testing and data analysis capability.

The state-of-the-art test unit comes with a software suite for fast data analysis. The GeoCube provides its owners with significant time and cost savings.


Demo Units for Sale:

  • Watch here for Future Availibility


What is a TC / TRT Test?

Thermal Conductivity / Thermal Response testing is a quantitative technique for calculating the soil thermal properties necessary for designing an efficient ground source heat pump system. Typically, they are performed when designing vertical heat exchangers for commercial geothermal projects.

With the right equipment and software data analysis tools, TC/TRT tests are straight-forward to perform.  A TC/TRT test provides invaluable information to accurately and economically design a loopfield.

A commercial design without accurate TC/TRT data runs the risk of being over/undersized.  Can you afford to drill an extra few thousand feet because your design did not have accurate TC/TRT information for design calculations?  A GeoCube can often pay for itself after only a few uses.
